Wednesday, March 30, 2011

but i'm an english major, so it's okay.

as i become more and more immersed in my classes i have come to realize one significant discovery: english majors love themselves. i know, i know, that sounds terrible. i am an english major, after all. let me explain. we all (because of our nature) love ourselves. too much. however, i have come to find that in my major in particular, there is a heavy emphasis on self. i have grown to think about myself far too often lately. (and i hate that part of me.) i am told to reflect, write down my emotions, find a new and beautiful way to tell a story of myself; my work is about me. i am so sick of myself. i am tired of self-deprecating memoirs where i am the antagonist and also the protagonist. i guess profound writing is solely based on making it human, real, raw. if that's the case, then i will need to accept the fact that i will never be a good writer; i won't be in the hippest literary journal and i probably won't hold my breath waiting for a poem to get published. i would much rather write about Christ; about what He is to me. i would give up my life to get the chance to preach His goodness to the world. He is supreme and He is beautiful. (He is the only good in me.) if this means i am of no literary merit i am okay with that. if this means no one will read a single thing i have written, well then i suppose i am okay with that, as well. the more i write (and struggle to produce anything of any academic value), the more i realize something far more important than a daily assignment.

[ i am not made for this world. ]

galatians 6:14-18
"but far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and i to the world. for neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. and as for all who walk by this rule, peace an mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God. from now on let no one cause me trouble, for i bear on my body the marks of Jesus. the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. amen."

"i open my eyes oh Lord, to see all the things You've done
i open my heart oh God, to feel Your unfailing love
i open my all to You, all my life for Your glory shown
i open up my soul to You alone, come make yourself at home
and i'll give all i have left to give
cause it's everything i am, Lord
and this life i'll spend it all for You
i'll waste it all on You
i offer up my mind, to You, i long for the truth You know
i offer up my feet to You, they'll walk straight on the path You show
i offer up my time to You, so keep me and hold me still
i offer up my hands to You, Lord use them to do Your will
let Your Spirit take me over God,
cause it's all i'll ever need, yeah You're all i'll ever need Lord
receive this life an offering God
cause i've spent it all on You, yeah i'll spend it all on You God"

Monday, March 21, 2011

this can be so hard sometimes.

"He must increase, but i must decrease."
-john 3:30

Sunday, March 20, 2011

spring has arrived and our winter depression has left

i was going to write something else, something meaningful.

but, then my roommate and i realized that TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING, and in a state like mine, there is much rejoicing for this little truth.

maybe i'll come back later (if my literary analysis on "the yellow wall-paper" finishes up and allows me to), and share a little bit of my heart. but for now, here's a little sweet tidbit of truth:

"We must continually focus and firmly place our faith in Jesus Christ— not a "prayer meeting" Jesus Christ, or a "book" Jesus Christ, but the New Testament Jesus Christ, who is God Incarnate, and who ought to strike us dead at His feet."

- Oswald Chambers

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

lovely places i must go:

dearest lili,
let's add this trip to our grand list of "bungalow buddy" trips that never really happen.

barcelona, spain

the southern france countryside (obviously)
florence, italy where we will look at fancy artwork and eat our weight in gelato.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

dear rudy maxa,

i love you and your smart travels. i love that you are on channel two (the best channel in the cities), and i love that you are taking amanda and i through amsterdam right now. how did you even come to know my dreams of visiting amsterdam, anne frank house and all? you are one smart guy. i love that it is spring break and i can actually spend some time with you. i'll see you next wednesday, which is my next free afternoon.



if you know me, you know that i love flowery things, dark hair, and fluffy kittens. i would like to jump into this picture, please and thank you. ten weeks until summer vacation (yes, i have decided to ignore the fact that i will be taking twelve credits).