Wednesday, January 5, 2011

winter red(ish) head.

so i colored my hair today (actually it was my boss kim, but you get what i mean) and i love it! i have been in that "winter-rut" thing where i hate my hair (it happens to my friend lindsay and i every january, true story), and so today i got out of that! i told my boss to pick a color she would like to see on me, as long as it was dark and covered my over-processed blonde hair. best part- it was free! i love my job.

(romeo distracted me in that last one).

goodnight lovely ladies who read my ramblings and care about me; i love you all :)


(T-4 days until my big 21!)


  1. You look amazing! I love that color on you...I've been wanting to go dark lately, but I'm scared. I've never done anything to my hair other than cut it, and I'm afraid it will never be the same once I go there.

    Maybe soon...

  2. so pretty. goodness, you pull off such an array of colors, i'm quite jealous. take more pictures on a not-brown background, i wanna see the true color!
