Tuesday, October 27, 2009


in the end of john 19 when Christ cries out "It is finished" he is saying, "i have accomplished everything that i have been sent to do. i have paid the price for everysingle soul's salvation. i paid it all."

what is really awesome and left my mind reeling all night is what the actual greek word is.
in the greek, the phrase "it is finished" is one word which is tetelestai. this word was stamped on ancient tax receipts back in Christ's time when someone had paid all of their debt in full. so Christ was really saying "i have paid their debt in full."

because i am a grammar nerd, this really excites me. the word tetelestai is in the perfect tense, which means that it was a past action that continues to have effect in the future. it was completed and is still complete; there is a sense of finality.

that one word kept me up late thinking, and was the first thing i thought about this morning.

be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for posting this one on facebook :)
    wow, i never thought of the sense of completion... it totally deepens what Jesus says in John 19:30.
    go grammar nerds!
