Monday, July 26, 2010

we are going deeper into something so lovely, my dear.

today marks two months since zachary and i officially started dating. blah, blah, blah, i know...just two months...i am silly for mentioning it. but i cannot help it. i love celebrations and two months with the most amazing man is definitely noteworthy in my book. words cannot describe how blessed i am to have him in my life. i cannot imagine being with anyone else, and i would like to keep it that way. the Lord has showed me to be patient and firm in my decision i made a long time ago to follow Him and trust that He will always provide for me. and He has provided my every need and even my deepest desires. endlessly He loves and endlessly He desires that we love Him and seek Him first. oh, that i would honor Christ first in my life. that is my prayer. zach helps me do that; he is what i need. thank You, Lord.

1 comment:

  1. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy!

    This post makes me so happy for you. really!

    I totally see how zach helps you grow spiritually and vice versa. im trying to remember to pray for you two, can't wait to see how this story goes on.
