Sunday, February 21, 2010


could i please find all of my rest in You?
could i please be satisfied in Your presence?
and could You please work in me more of You and less of me?
because there are too many i's,
and not nearly enough
of You,
in my heart.

and that's not how i envisioned my life to be.
and that's not how it is going to stay.
because i've added it up,
and i cannot do the math.
You are worth far more than
what i can fit into my finite mind.

there are a lot of things i'm not sure of.
there are so many things i wish i could take back;
oh Lord, how i wish i would have trusted in You.
how i wish i would have followed You the first time.
not the second
(because then maybe my heart wouldn't be broken).

but if my heart must break,
let it break for You.
and if tears must come,
let the tears be for You.
and if the trials must come,
let them grow in me
a deeper love for You.

and if i cry tonight,
well that's really okay.
because in the morning
Your mercies are new.

even through the night

(before the
new mercies

You sustain me.
You guide me.
You love me.
You provide.

You are still God.

and if i refuse to acknowledge You,
You still plead for me.

1 comment:

  1. umthanksforallofthepoems.theyarelovelyandwonderfulanddeep.
